Saturday, September 26, 2009


Before I begin, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. I do realize the universal importance of education and in no way is my following comments intended to offset that fact. For the sake of simplicity, I will identify with all of the persons spoken here in the male gender with all due equal respect to all the members of the fair persuasion or gender.
This is what bothers me:
Everyone knows that having a college education is the cat’s meow, the bee’s knees, and the elite of education. How many times have you heard somebody say: “I’m going to give my kid all of the advantages of a college education. He will not have to suffer through a hard working life as I did. I want the best for him”. What the hell does that mean? First of all, this is coming from someone who is willing to save his hard earned money to provide for a college education for his child. It seems to me that somebody who is willing to do this is a pretty good person to start out with. Don’t you agree? One who gives up so much of his hard earned cash for the sake of his child. This seems like a pretty good role model to me. What’s wrong with being just like dad? What’s wrong with working hard and earning an honest wage? Isn’t that what built this nation in the first place? This mentality also implies that if the kid goes to college, he won’t have to work hard in order to make a huge amount of money. Does this mean that a higher education will make this kid so smart and wise that he could just make the money roll in without doing much of anything? Wait a minute! This seems familiar! Isn’t that what the folks who have brought this nation down to it’s knees with scandal and corruption been doing? Did they learn this in college? How to beat the system and make huge gains on someone else’s losses? Scandalous ways? Do we need more people like this taking advantage of this great nation of opportunity? I think I would rather that my kid worked hard for a living and earned the fair and honest wages that he honestly deserves. Let’s face it! Many folks just aren’t college material. They just don’t have the intelligence to accomplish the dreams of their parents and are more than likely to waist their parent‘s money. Don’t get me wrong. This certainly does not apply to many college students who do have the POTENTIAL to benefit from higher education. It’s just that the colleges are full of students who do not have this POTENTIAL and are simply there because dear old dad coughed up the money for them to go there. Many are there because of tradition. Dad had a great time in college and now wants the same for his kid. “Send your kids to college”. This is all your hear about on a daily basis. I can agree with this somewhat but I must ad that parents should be sure that their child will benefit from college. Not all college graduates benefit from their “college education”. Many have ended up with jobs which are less rewarding than the many hard working blue collar folks who have had the intelligence and POTENTIAL but have never had the funds or opportunities for a college education. If good ole dad is wealthy he can send his child to college even if the child does not have the required POTENTIAL. This way he can stick out his chest and say “My child is college educated”. He will never mention the Silver Spoon Factor” however. Dad will guarantee for him a job with his firm at a very attractive salary and will always be able to cover for any inadequacies which his child may possess. He can keep the kid “under the wing” and teach him by experience. Is this not a waste of a college education? This doesn’t work too well if the kid is a child of parents who have spent everything they had in order to send the kid to college. When the kid finishes college, he is then left to face the world relying on his own wits of intelligence. “Lots Of Luck” in this case. The parents are now broke and the kid ends up sweeping floors for a living. Let me ask this question; What if everybody in this country were able to go to college and graduate from there. Where would each individual be on the grand scale of advantage? My answer would be ; NOWHERE. We would just end up with a lot of highly educated street sweepers, window washers etc. (No offense guys). After all, somebody has to do those jobs. We can’t all be Doctors, Lawyers or people of other relatively high profile. Some of us will have to do the “nitty gritty“. I am not trying to downplay the importance of a good education. I am in favor of it. However, I must say this: Everything finds it’s own level. The balancing point is based on intelligence. An intelligent individual will always be able to excel to the top of his classification. This is regardless of the type of work in which he is professed. On the other hand, a highly educated individual who lacks the required intelligence will sink to a level which will provide the appropriate balance. These are the rules of nature. It’s what makes the world round. The only thing that can offset this balance is corruption and scandal and if you do not agree with anything I have written here, maybe you can agree with that.
To close, I would like to offer my best wishes to all of those intelligent individuals who have gone through the college education process and have succeeded in their endeavors in the most sincere and honest manner.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, thank you to for all of you for pursuing knowledge,and having the persistance and wherewithall to succeed in a college or university.
    However, I have to agree with this writer that assuming that your child will turn out to be the best in his/her particular field by going to college is not always the case. Perhaps the child just barely made it through high school and didn't show any signs of having what it takes to enter into college can certainly be a sad mistake for all concerned.
    Grant it, if the parent/s feel it's their parental duty to send the person to a college and they have the money for doing this....the parents lose nothing but the child is now programmed to expect large sums of money in that given field while not being happy with the choice possibly and thereby losing so very much of his self worth or self esteem.
    There seems to be too much pressure on students and quite a bit of them can't handle it while everywhere you look the emphasis on a college degree seems paramount; while treating these children as if they were clones. that are programmed never to fail.
    As Joe so articulately said that there is absolutely nothing wrong with a person taking pride in working in a factory, behind a counter,etc. and just being downright happy and proud in his status in life and making an honest salary while not harming anyone.
