Saturday, April 23, 2016


OK Ladies; now don't you go getting angry with me!
I know that the AVERAGE working woman makes less money than the AVERAGE working man.  But is all of this actually being caused by men dominating the work place?  Maybe so, in many cases.  There are "Creeps" everywhere and nothing will ever change that. I do believe however, that if the shoe of dominance had happened to be on the "other foot"; the very same would hold true, only with the genders being reversed. No need to re-kindle "THE BATTLE OF THE SEXES" again. I really don't think that this could be of very serious concern to anyone.  Now; granted; I don't know the exact figures (mathematically broken down) within the nature of all of this; however, I honestly feel that my way of thinking in this case, is most likely the correct way.  I do feel however, that if I were in charge of hiring someone to work for a firm in which I had been placed in charge of employment; I know that I would certainly hire the person who is most qualified for that particular job, regardless of gender.  However; there are some jobs out there which are "gender sensitive" and will always tend to support one gender over another.  This does work both ways however. While it might seem morally wrong in some ways, I'm sure that the law of averages in this type of situation would clearly show that any developing differences would be very minimal and quite acceptable. Let us now face some very basic but very truthful facts:  WHEN IT COMES TO JOBS; women have been at a disadvantage, ever since the beginning of time. It's all because; women have babies and men do not.  History and Archaeology have shown that even during the stone age, men had always been the "Hunter-Gatherers", while women's role had always been, to tend to the personal needs of the family.  I should think that this would have set a very powerful "Grandfathered-in (or should I say; "Grandmothered-in) precedence.  It is a very intelligent and appropriate arrangement however.  It is how mankind had survived for all of the many centuries gone by. It is also why (when it comes to marriage), MOST women still attempt to find the best male provider as a mate, basically (and hopefully) for the benefit of their future offspring.  Yes; over the years and in recent times there have been a lot of changes. Women have made a whole lot of progress when it comes to financial equality.  However, some things have not changed and although the gap between men and women has narrowed greatly, the average financial earnings are still in favor of the man.  Again; this is still because of the "ever lasting" male-female role of man-kind, still existing now, and through-out all of history.  In my opinion; I don't see this ever changing until such time when women will no longer need men. Men will no longer need women; and a time when there will be no sexual bonding between them.  A time when women would be able to purchase semen from a sperm bank, develop their babies in some sort of test tube and/or choose to become pregnant by "invitro fertilization".  Then, after the child's birth; they might employ robots to tend to the child, while they are so very hard at work, making all that great money. I do honestly believe that there may be some folks in this world who would actually favor a time and life such as that, but my feelings about this are:..... OMG!!!!!!!!  How horribly sad would that be? The good news is that I don't feel that such a horrible thing could ever happen. 
The sexual compatibility between women and men is biologically indelible as well as the most important part of who we are. It so happens to be the wonderful way in which WE had ALL come to be. Heterosexual sexuality, (done within its intended purpose), is the most intimate, wonderful and rewarding love that any man and women could possibly share with one another.  It is the gift of life from our divine creator. It is the blessing of primal love, which makes our world so unique and so very abundantly filled with ALL of the highest forms of life. It is the most important responsibility trusted into the hands of humanity. It is the beginning of all of the very many other forms of love which man-kind had ever, or will ever have known or experienced. We do not have the right to ignore it! Sometimes I wonder if some women can truly understand and appreciate just how unique and wonderful they truly are, or just how beautiful it is to become a Mom.  Women are so very special. Being a man; I can only imagine what it must be like, to be a woman.  Of course, there will always be the possibility of unfavorable and unfortunate circumstances between a woman and a man, which would tend to ruin their relationship with each other. Disregarding that however, being a man; I can honestly say that; from a man's point of view; I basically respect and fully appreciate all women.  I place them all on a very high pedestal before me and adore them in a very special way, more than anything else in the world.  No; there is no ladder tall enough for me or any other man (in my opinion) to reach her; even if he could stand up on top of the huge heap of money which he might have had earned during his entire lifetime. Although a man can earn more money on the job, than a very caring and nurturing mother, he could never earn enough money to repay her for all that she has done.  Money could never repay her for devoting her very life and all of her time in doing all of those very amazing, necessary and marvelous things, that all Moms in the past had done for their beloved families.  That is something that can only come from a WOMANS' heart and no money could ever buy anything so very beautiful. So ladies (especially you Moms), if you have children; even if you never work a day outside of your home, you have done so much more than any man could ever do.  Only you could do this.  Although your man and/or your children may not always show enough appreciation for you, or nearly as often as they should have; deep down inside they do appreciate you and love you very, very dearly.  All of us, often have that nasty habit of taking the most precious things in life, for granted. Under normal conditions and situations; your loved ones will gratefully provide you with so very much of the pure, sweet love, joy and happiness that you truly deserve.  There is just not enough money in the world that could ever buy such a treasure. You are the best! All you Guys out there;....Don't you forget that! I know that I never will. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


I totally believe that the lives of all human beings are driven by divine purpose.  Each and every one of us is born with a very special, positive and predetermined purpose which had been predetermined by God, shortly before each of us were born.  Each of us had agreed to this very special purpose before we could be born, even though we knew that once we were here, we would not remember exactly what this very special purpose might have been. Control of this very special purpose is held within the hands of God and He will always lead the way.  God guides each one of us by constantly changing our direction, through life.  He closes the doors to where we are not to go and He opens doors to where we need to go.  If you are a true servant of God and not someone who may have been influenced by an evil entity, you will follow all of the pathways through which God will lead you. Once you enter a doorway that God has opened for you, you will remain there until all of the required actions within that doorway have been met.  Then He closes that door and opens another which leads you to another phase of your very unique, over-all purpose.  This goes on and on until your ultimate objective (purpose) has been fulfilled.  It may not be quite that easy for some of us however. There may be multiple purposes that many of us (as individuals) had been selected to fulfill. It is possible that some individuals will fail at fulfilling some of their intended purposes, while being successful with fulfilling other purposes. In this case; God will then adjust the pathways and doorways of others, until this particular purpose is finally fulfilled.  What I have said here is a very simplified accounting of what I believe to be "The purpose driven life".  However, all of it is much more complicated than that. We must remember that each of us has been granted "free will".  Free will, always will prove to be very wonderful for all of us who are true servants of God, while it may be total confusion and disaster for all of those who (through their own "free will") choose to turn away from Him.