Monday, January 2, 2017


I think it was because I had grown up, in the wake of WWII.  Then only a few years later, there had been Korea!  I had to continue to grow up during that mess as well.  Then, just when I had turned 21 (becoming a young adult), I had been drafted into the "Vietnam Era" as well.  My Country had called upon me for help and I was quite proud to be of service to my country and to the people whom I had loved. My entire YOUNG LIFE had been lived under the influence of WAR!  My siblings and I had grown up during some of the toughest years of modern times.  These times were especially tough for my parents.  They needed to raise 3 children on extremely limited resources.  My parents wanted to give the entire world and everything in it, to us Kids, but they had been stuck in a rut, with very little to offer to us.  These times had been extremely hard for them.  Many times I would see my Mother crying and I would ask her why she had been crying.  She tried to explain the situation to me, but as a child, without very much experience in living, there just had been no way that I could possibly understand the tremendous impact that these hardships could possibly have had upon my parents. We Kids however, did feel the impact of their troubles and we had to go through all of those very tough times, in the dear, loving care of our amazing, struggling parents.  We did make it through all of those very difficult times.  Hardships?  Yes; we had gone through all of it together, and we can remember it all so very well.  However, because of our parent's hardships, we children had grown to become such amazingly strong adults. As adults; we could now understand the hardships of our parents.  We had then turned to our very own children, and we had very desperately wanted to give them everything that we had never had as children.  Almost all parents of my generation had given so very much to their children. Some children had received much, and some children had received much less.  But nearly all of our children had received everything that they had needed and so very much more. They had received all of our love and compassion, as well.  As more new generations come to pass, some very important and interesting questions arise.  Could it be that we had given the children of generations following us, just a little bit too much?  Could it be that we had spoiled them rotten?  They seem to cry, every time things don't go exactly as they had planned.  They seem to be quite irresponsible and they blame others for their very own short-comings.  They never seem to be happy enough anymore.  I could be wrong, but the way that I see all of this, is that we had not had succeeded in making our children stronger as our parents had done with us.  We had made them much weaker.  I, now think of 'Human nature' as very strange, when I find that hard times and very difficult struggles, tends to make us so very much stronger, while good times, and very much abundance, seems to make us so very weak and vulnerable!  Maybe there is a happy medium out there somewhere; but if there possibly is; we certainly are having a very hard time, finding it.                

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