This is where the effects of "Trust", "Loyalty" and "Honor" will come into play.
Without our having "Trust", "Honor" and "Loyalty" being linked together in a very co-ordinated fashion; there can be no JUSTICE. We must then consider the possibility that we might, at any time, possibly become doomed to conflict, war and devastation. During each one of our lifetimes, each and every one of us, at some point in time, will need to place our trust into the hands of other people. However, those other people within whom we have placed our trust, need to know and to agreeably understand that they actually do owe us at least, our very fair share of "Loyalty" and "Honor" in return. "Trust" means absolutely nothing at all without the reciprocation of "Loyalty" and "Honor" coming from those persons whom have accepted our trust. Accepting and receiving the Trust of any person, will always require a true COMMITTMENT of loyalty and honor which would be rightfully due, as well as expected in return; to be received by that person who happens to be the source of that given Trust. "Trusting" in anyone, without receiving the very necessary "Loyalty" and "Honor" in return, amounts to nothing but deception. Coupling all of this to the confusion and the sometimes very difficult translations existing between the very many different languages, is why so many people, as well as so many countries, end up in bitter conflicts and wars with each other. We must then face the ugly truth, that even though there are so very many people who are truly "Trustworthy", "Loyal" and "Honorable" (maybe 50% or so), there are also those very many other people who would be very selfish and deceitful. The former group; would always be very ready and willing to help others. They would always be trying to improve the conditions of everyone's world, while also realizing that in doing so, they will also benefit from the results. Those are the people who will actually give very much of themselves. They will even work very hard to cause all of the righteous and proper events to exist for the benefits of everyone. While the latter group, will misuse, deceive and betray others by promising them a very much better world, when it is actually and only themselves, whom they would care to benefit. That group might actually feel that it is quite righteous and noble to abuse and to mistreat other people, when they feel that it might be of some benefit to them, somewhere down the road. Everyone wants and needs some degree of self improvement for their very own worlds, but nobody wants to be stepped down upon and abused by those who will not hesitate to use other people as stepping stones, for their very own advancements and benefits, while offering absolutely nothing in return.
That's it! That's the very nature of Humanity. Nothing could ever change that. That's why there will always be bitter disputes, conflicts and wars.
"Trust", "Loyalty" and "Honor". These three attributions, combined together and well maintained, have become the key to happiness for everyone. This is a very perfectly wonderful and unfailing combination of attributions, which will always work perfectly well for any and for all of us. However, (as I had previously pointed out), only about 50% of the human population will simultaneously possess the combination of all three of these attributions. The remaing 50% of humanity will not.
The sad epilog behind this story is the frightening thought, that each one of us will eventually need to invest all of our Trust into the hands of some other person, at some point in time within our lives. We would then be rendering all of our complete trust into the hands of some other person, while at the very same time, realizing that without the receipt of "Loyalty" and "Honor" in return; we might possibly discover that we had been deceived and betrayed. You might very sadly but quite possibly, discover that your respectfully rendered "Trust", has meant absolutely nothing to that particular person, to whom you have so very respectfully rendered your trust. This is why it had become necessary for us to rely upon "CONTRACTS" to help us to secure our trust. On a much brighter note however; there will also be many people who must also place THEIR trust into YOUR hands. So then it would be totally up to you to respectfully render the honor and the loyalty to that person whom had placed their trust into your hands. A very fair, positive and effective trade-off motto for all of us then, would be for each of us to cordially give back more than what we had taken; with much respect, appreciation and gratitude. Contracts can be, and quite often are broken. By Law, it is illegal to break a contractual agreement, as doing so will initiate a cause for punishment. However, this is the very best protection available for securing a "Trust". It is very good. It is the best we have, but it is not exactly a perfect solution.
There are never any perfect guarantees of "Trust" and "Honor"; but there are always some very good reasons for having Hope! We need to consider the "Pros and Cons of this story as well:
Those people who will possess all three of those positive attributions which I had mentioned, will always prove to accomplish very many positive things, when working together and along with each other. They will always be very likely to acquire very much growth as a result of their methods. While the people who do not possess all three of these very essential attributions, will tend to avoid or to compete with others of their very own kind. This would always and only prove to be very counter-productive for them. It would then become very unlikely that they might be able to accomplish very much growth at all. However, there are exceptions to each and every rule. We must always remain very alert, aware and quite skeptical with regards to those exceptions.
For those of us who "Trust" and believe in God; we can only pray for the best for all of mankind.
Yes, each and evey one of us lives within our very own worlds, but none of us are ever left all alone. The spirit of God lives within each and every one of us and He knows the Joys, the Woes, the Thoughts, the Wisdom and the Intentions of every existing human being on this planet. "Trust" in God; and you will certainly receive your fair share of His "Loyalty" and His "Honor".
We must also keep in mind, that there is a very important, scientific and "Universal Law", which states that; "for every action, there there will always an equal and opposite reaction". This law truly applies to all of Humanity as well as to the entire Universe. Sometimes we might be required to very patiently, experience and endure some very difficult times, pain, suffering and sorrow; while the end result can very often make it all worth our while for expending our patience and our endurance. We must also remember to be very careful however, because that Universal law can also work in reverse. Humanity most certainly, must always remember and understand that each and every one of us happens to be a very unique and very significant part of our magnificent Universe. Therefore, that Universal Law certainly would, and does apply to all of Humanity as a whole, in a very specific and Universal manner.
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