I believe that the problem with health care in the United States today is that the word "care"
has no meaning in the expression of the word. The "care" is misdirected from the
word "health" for the sake of money. Too much care for the almighty buck and not
enough care for the health of the fellow man. The market on health is 100%.
Everybody needs and wants good health. The problem is that there is way too much
interest in getting richer over the needs of the people. This is social
blackmail. It's not a matter of not being able to afford healthcare, it's a
matter of paying way too much for it. Why do they advertise drugs on TV when
some drugs are priced at from $20.00 to $50.00 or more per dose? TV commercials are not cheap. Who's paying for those commercials anyway? The whole problem is that healthcare is one huge money making scheme. It's a machine designed to bleed the nations people of their last
hard earned nickel. It’s pure greed and nothing more. When you visit a Physician, you
have to wonder if he/she is truly interested in you, the money he/she can get from your insurance company or kickbacks from the drug companies. I don’t like the idea of socialized healthcare. Socialism is proven to be counterproductive. I say; let’s cut back on the outrageous profits and money making gimmicks and give the people a private healthcare system which allow them to pay their FAIR share for adequate healthcare insurance coverage. Insufficient healthcare is an evil and a direct example of the meaning of the words of wisdom: THE WANT OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL.
I most certainly agree with your comments regarding Health????care! As far as I'm concerned the pharmaceutical companies along with Health???insurance, lab tests and doctor visits have become way out of line especially for the lower and middle class population in the U.S.A.
ReplyDeleteThe fees for services rendered???? is no laughing matter and I and for the most part far outweigh the true cost.
I realize that they have to make a living but it would be sooooo nice if they could show a love for humanity.
Will the government o anything about it? I don't believe they chose to; with all the kick backs, vacations, cares, et.al. No, that is unrealistic for them. Just look at what is being made on pharmaceutical companies and the like on Wall Street...."The rich get richer and the poor get poorer".
As you, Joe, I don't believe in Universal Coverage but a payment schedule on what your income is an can afford without losing the roof over your head or going hungry would suffice.
The politicians, etc. don't have to worry about their care as we always cover it and not a dime out of their pockets for us.
There has to be a humane answer to this.