The question of UFOs is not a difficult one to answer. If we take into consideration the awesome intellectual advancements of the technologies we have gained during the last two decades, we must ask ourselves the question of the future. Where will it all end? Or even better: When will it all end? Or we may ask: Will it all end? It is a common perception that eventually mankind will perish and cease to exist. To me, this means that we are expecting mankind to fail and fall from existence at some point in time. One thing that I know is that anything material is prone to loss. Mankind is of the Earth and the Earth is the material of the cosmos, therefore mankind is also of material and prone to loss. Maybe that’s why we seem to be expecting it. Let’s give a little credit to intelligence.
Intelligence is the divine characteristic of the brain. It is a recognition of facts and figures (data) which the brain converts to many processes of thought. These processes lead us to creation. It leads us to many combinations of thoughts about the various types of information acquired, allowing us to build the most incredible things within our minds without requiring anything that is material. There is virtually no end to the things we can create within our minds without the use of any material. Things which we know and understand as possible and practical, even without the need to physically create anything. All of the wonderful material things that we enjoy, know and understand have all begun with thought. Either through the thoughts of one beautiful mind or combinations of a few to very many. Living in a material world, we must create and materialize from matter all of the things necessary to bring our thoughts to life. I am amazed at mankind’s ability to accomplish this. We have done so very many great things with materials (as well as a few horrible things which we will discount at this time). As I have mentioned before however, Anything material is subject to loss, therefore all of mankind’s creations are also subject to loss. We have to bear in mind that any information which we can possibly absorb and process within our minds in order to create a concept or method for creating something, comes from the cosmos. All of the building blocks of facts, data and thoughts which we have absorbed or ever will absorb, have always been here for us. All that we needed to do was to discover it, process it and decipher it in the proper manner. All of the data for man’s accomplishments has always been there for him, he only needed to discover it and process it. Through the miracle of thought, all things can be made possible. We must understand however, that thought is not a material entity. It is pure energy. Since energy can never be destroyed but only converted, the properties of thought therefore, are not subject to loss. Hence, is the progression of the advancement of humanity. We are capable of so very many wonderful advancements, given all of the time that is required to continue to process the existing information.
O.K. back to UFOs. If there were no reports of UFOs and no phenomena which we find unexplainable at this time, I would be very worried about the future of humanity. I do not want to know the answers to these things as some things are not equitable for us to know at this point in time. I do possess within my heart and my mind, a great confidence in humanity’s abilities to accomplish. I know that when mankind accomplishes the know-how to improve his existence in the future by altering and changing certain key events in the past, we will then understand the unexplained. How can I be so sure that this is actually happening? I know because all of the signs are all around us right now. I have seen a UFO or two during the course of my lifetime. I believe most of the reports from the many, very credible individuals who have reported them. I’m not certain if that at this point in time, anybody in the world knows the answer to, or the explanation of these events but if they did, they would have very good reason not to make this knowledge known. I believe that we are now undergoing “FUTURE ENGINEERING” from the future and for the future. It is imperative that this process must not be interfered with. Once we could know for certain, that we are being engineered for and from the future, other forces then would come into play to oppose it. We would be derailing the future of mankind if we knew the answer as fact. These visions are not extra-terrestrial, they are us, but this cannot be proven nor should it be. It’s just another case for faith. I have faith in humanity. I know that the beautiful side of mankind’s personality will always prevail and I am equally confident in the great faith which brings this belief to me. We should not ask to know the facts of this knowledge for today, We should choose to save them for the benefit of our future.
Good luck Children!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
I believe that the problem with health care in the United States today is that the word "care"
has no meaning in the expression of the word. The "care" is misdirected from the
word "health" for the sake of money. Too much care for the almighty buck and not
enough care for the health of the fellow man. The market on health is 100%.
Everybody needs and wants good health. The problem is that there is way too much
interest in getting richer over the needs of the people. This is social
blackmail. It's not a matter of not being able to afford healthcare, it's a
matter of paying way too much for it. Why do they advertise drugs on TV when
some drugs are priced at from $20.00 to $50.00 or more per dose? TV commercials are not cheap. Who's paying for those commercials anyway? The whole problem is that healthcare is one huge money making scheme. It's a machine designed to bleed the nations people of their last
hard earned nickel. It’s pure greed and nothing more. When you visit a Physician, you
have to wonder if he/she is truly interested in you, the money he/she can get from your insurance company or kickbacks from the drug companies. I don’t like the idea of socialized healthcare. Socialism is proven to be counterproductive. I say; let’s cut back on the outrageous profits and money making gimmicks and give the people a private healthcare system which allow them to pay their FAIR share for adequate healthcare insurance coverage. Insufficient healthcare is an evil and a direct example of the meaning of the words of wisdom: THE WANT OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL.
has no meaning in the expression of the word. The "care" is misdirected from the
word "health" for the sake of money. Too much care for the almighty buck and not
enough care for the health of the fellow man. The market on health is 100%.
Everybody needs and wants good health. The problem is that there is way too much
interest in getting richer over the needs of the people. This is social
blackmail. It's not a matter of not being able to afford healthcare, it's a
matter of paying way too much for it. Why do they advertise drugs on TV when
some drugs are priced at from $20.00 to $50.00 or more per dose? TV commercials are not cheap. Who's paying for those commercials anyway? The whole problem is that healthcare is one huge money making scheme. It's a machine designed to bleed the nations people of their last
hard earned nickel. It’s pure greed and nothing more. When you visit a Physician, you
have to wonder if he/she is truly interested in you, the money he/she can get from your insurance company or kickbacks from the drug companies. I don’t like the idea of socialized healthcare. Socialism is proven to be counterproductive. I say; let’s cut back on the outrageous profits and money making gimmicks and give the people a private healthcare system which allow them to pay their FAIR share for adequate healthcare insurance coverage. Insufficient healthcare is an evil and a direct example of the meaning of the words of wisdom: THE WANT OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Before I begin, I want to make one thing perfectly clear. I do realize the universal importance of education and in no way is my following comments intended to offset that fact. For the sake of simplicity, I will identify with all of the persons spoken here in the male gender with all due equal respect to all the members of the fair persuasion or gender.
This is what bothers me:
Everyone knows that having a college education is the cat’s meow, the bee’s knees, and the elite of education. How many times have you heard somebody say: “I’m going to give my kid all of the advantages of a college education. He will not have to suffer through a hard working life as I did. I want the best for him”. What the hell does that mean? First of all, this is coming from someone who is willing to save his hard earned money to provide for a college education for his child. It seems to me that somebody who is willing to do this is a pretty good person to start out with. Don’t you agree? One who gives up so much of his hard earned cash for the sake of his child. This seems like a pretty good role model to me. What’s wrong with being just like dad? What’s wrong with working hard and earning an honest wage? Isn’t that what built this nation in the first place? This mentality also implies that if the kid goes to college, he won’t have to work hard in order to make a huge amount of money. Does this mean that a higher education will make this kid so smart and wise that he could just make the money roll in without doing much of anything? Wait a minute! This seems familiar! Isn’t that what the folks who have brought this nation down to it’s knees with scandal and corruption been doing? Did they learn this in college? How to beat the system and make huge gains on someone else’s losses? Scandalous ways? Do we need more people like this taking advantage of this great nation of opportunity? I think I would rather that my kid worked hard for a living and earned the fair and honest wages that he honestly deserves. Let’s face it! Many folks just aren’t college material. They just don’t have the intelligence to accomplish the dreams of their parents and are more than likely to waist their parent‘s money. Don’t get me wrong. This certainly does not apply to many college students who do have the POTENTIAL to benefit from higher education. It’s just that the colleges are full of students who do not have this POTENTIAL and are simply there because dear old dad coughed up the money for them to go there. Many are there because of tradition. Dad had a great time in college and now wants the same for his kid. “Send your kids to college”. This is all your hear about on a daily basis. I can agree with this somewhat but I must ad that parents should be sure that their child will benefit from college. Not all college graduates benefit from their “college education”. Many have ended up with jobs which are less rewarding than the many hard working blue collar folks who have had the intelligence and POTENTIAL but have never had the funds or opportunities for a college education. If good ole dad is wealthy he can send his child to college even if the child does not have the required POTENTIAL. This way he can stick out his chest and say “My child is college educated”. He will never mention the Silver Spoon Factor” however. Dad will guarantee for him a job with his firm at a very attractive salary and will always be able to cover for any inadequacies which his child may possess. He can keep the kid “under the wing” and teach him by experience. Is this not a waste of a college education? This doesn’t work too well if the kid is a child of parents who have spent everything they had in order to send the kid to college. When the kid finishes college, he is then left to face the world relying on his own wits of intelligence. “Lots Of Luck” in this case. The parents are now broke and the kid ends up sweeping floors for a living. Let me ask this question; What if everybody in this country were able to go to college and graduate from there. Where would each individual be on the grand scale of advantage? My answer would be ; NOWHERE. We would just end up with a lot of highly educated street sweepers, window washers etc. (No offense guys). After all, somebody has to do those jobs. We can’t all be Doctors, Lawyers or people of other relatively high profile. Some of us will have to do the “nitty gritty“. I am not trying to downplay the importance of a good education. I am in favor of it. However, I must say this: Everything finds it’s own level. The balancing point is based on intelligence. An intelligent individual will always be able to excel to the top of his classification. This is regardless of the type of work in which he is professed. On the other hand, a highly educated individual who lacks the required intelligence will sink to a level which will provide the appropriate balance. These are the rules of nature. It’s what makes the world round. The only thing that can offset this balance is corruption and scandal and if you do not agree with anything I have written here, maybe you can agree with that.
To close, I would like to offer my best wishes to all of those intelligent individuals who have gone through the college education process and have succeeded in their endeavors in the most sincere and honest manner.
This is what bothers me:
Everyone knows that having a college education is the cat’s meow, the bee’s knees, and the elite of education. How many times have you heard somebody say: “I’m going to give my kid all of the advantages of a college education. He will not have to suffer through a hard working life as I did. I want the best for him”. What the hell does that mean? First of all, this is coming from someone who is willing to save his hard earned money to provide for a college education for his child. It seems to me that somebody who is willing to do this is a pretty good person to start out with. Don’t you agree? One who gives up so much of his hard earned cash for the sake of his child. This seems like a pretty good role model to me. What’s wrong with being just like dad? What’s wrong with working hard and earning an honest wage? Isn’t that what built this nation in the first place? This mentality also implies that if the kid goes to college, he won’t have to work hard in order to make a huge amount of money. Does this mean that a higher education will make this kid so smart and wise that he could just make the money roll in without doing much of anything? Wait a minute! This seems familiar! Isn’t that what the folks who have brought this nation down to it’s knees with scandal and corruption been doing? Did they learn this in college? How to beat the system and make huge gains on someone else’s losses? Scandalous ways? Do we need more people like this taking advantage of this great nation of opportunity? I think I would rather that my kid worked hard for a living and earned the fair and honest wages that he honestly deserves. Let’s face it! Many folks just aren’t college material. They just don’t have the intelligence to accomplish the dreams of their parents and are more than likely to waist their parent‘s money. Don’t get me wrong. This certainly does not apply to many college students who do have the POTENTIAL to benefit from higher education. It’s just that the colleges are full of students who do not have this POTENTIAL and are simply there because dear old dad coughed up the money for them to go there. Many are there because of tradition. Dad had a great time in college and now wants the same for his kid. “Send your kids to college”. This is all your hear about on a daily basis. I can agree with this somewhat but I must ad that parents should be sure that their child will benefit from college. Not all college graduates benefit from their “college education”. Many have ended up with jobs which are less rewarding than the many hard working blue collar folks who have had the intelligence and POTENTIAL but have never had the funds or opportunities for a college education. If good ole dad is wealthy he can send his child to college even if the child does not have the required POTENTIAL. This way he can stick out his chest and say “My child is college educated”. He will never mention the Silver Spoon Factor” however. Dad will guarantee for him a job with his firm at a very attractive salary and will always be able to cover for any inadequacies which his child may possess. He can keep the kid “under the wing” and teach him by experience. Is this not a waste of a college education? This doesn’t work too well if the kid is a child of parents who have spent everything they had in order to send the kid to college. When the kid finishes college, he is then left to face the world relying on his own wits of intelligence. “Lots Of Luck” in this case. The parents are now broke and the kid ends up sweeping floors for a living. Let me ask this question; What if everybody in this country were able to go to college and graduate from there. Where would each individual be on the grand scale of advantage? My answer would be ; NOWHERE. We would just end up with a lot of highly educated street sweepers, window washers etc. (No offense guys). After all, somebody has to do those jobs. We can’t all be Doctors, Lawyers or people of other relatively high profile. Some of us will have to do the “nitty gritty“. I am not trying to downplay the importance of a good education. I am in favor of it. However, I must say this: Everything finds it’s own level. The balancing point is based on intelligence. An intelligent individual will always be able to excel to the top of his classification. This is regardless of the type of work in which he is professed. On the other hand, a highly educated individual who lacks the required intelligence will sink to a level which will provide the appropriate balance. These are the rules of nature. It’s what makes the world round. The only thing that can offset this balance is corruption and scandal and if you do not agree with anything I have written here, maybe you can agree with that.
To close, I would like to offer my best wishes to all of those intelligent individuals who have gone through the college education process and have succeeded in their endeavors in the most sincere and honest manner.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
God is composing the greatest symphony imaginable. The symphony of life. We, as individual human beings are the notes in this great composition. Some notes are more powerful than others. Some notes are sustained longer than others. Each note has it's unique place in the composition. Each note is linked to the others which are also an important part of it. Each note makes it's own unique contribution to the total score. Many notes are alike and share common values. Some notes are so cleverly placed that they tend to complement all others around them. As with any composition, some notes don’t fit in correctly and they cause discord. These notes need to be refined, relocated, changed or discarded. As God continues to compose His symphony, it grows larger, greater and more perfected. Every note in His symphony is equally important and a major component in His total works. Each individual note on God’s page exists for it’s own intended purpose and is fully aware of how it must perform. It carries out it’s own special purpose knowingly, even though it is not aware of just how important it is or just how it fits into the grand scheme of God’s works. I am grateful to take my humble place on God’s master page. I must try to become something that God will be pleased to work with so that I may contribute all that I can to God’s beautiful composition. When God has his Angels play this great, magnificent piece of excellence for all to hear, I will be proud to know that He picked me to be a significant part of it‘s entirety.
© 2008 by Joseph J. Jakresky
God is composing the greatest symphony imaginable. The symphony of life. We, as individual human beings are the notes in this great composition. Some notes are more powerful than others. Some notes are sustained longer than others. Each note has it's unique place in the composition. Each note is linked to the others which are also an important part of it. Each note makes it's own unique contribution to the total score. Many notes are alike and share common values. Some notes are so cleverly placed that they tend to complement all others around them. As with any composition, some notes don’t fit in correctly and they cause discord. These notes need to be refined, relocated, changed or discarded. As God continues to compose His symphony, it grows larger, greater and more perfected. Every note in His symphony is equally important and a major component in His total works. Each individual note on God’s page exists for it’s own intended purpose and is fully aware of how it must perform. It carries out it’s own special purpose knowingly, even though it is not aware of just how important it is or just how it fits into the grand scheme of God’s works. I am grateful to take my humble place on God’s master page. I must try to become something that God will be pleased to work with so that I may contribute all that I can to God’s beautiful composition. When God has his Angels play this great, magnificent piece of excellence for all to hear, I will be proud to know that He picked me to be a significant part of it‘s entirety.
© 2008 by Joseph J. Jakresky
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Before you read this, be sure that you have read my PAPER TOWELS blog, because everything in it also applies to toilet paper and vise versa. Only toilet paper has a few more snags to top it all off: The kicker here is that the folks who make the (so called) bargain priced toilet paper think that they have figured out a way to make the consumer think that he is getting a great buy in purchasing the multiple roll economy pack. The package must be deceptive in that it MUST appear that the consumer is getting more bang for his buck, without ever realizing that he is not. You see, they think that we are too stupid to ever catch on to their dirty little schemes of deception. They know that they must display (on the package) just how many sheets you are getting per roll, so that a shopper can compare packages of different brands to see which package offers the best deal. They really don’t want to deceive you by lying about the number of sheets you will get per roll (as if the consumer is really going to unroll a roll and count each and every individual sheet to find out). I don’t really know if they are lying or not because I have never actually counted the sheets on a roll but I can’t help wondering if this count includes the several useless sheets that are stuck together at the beginning of each roll and those which are stuck to the cardboard core at the center. They may be lying about the sheet count, I’m not really sure because I doubt that anyone ever really counted every sheet on a roll but they probably are. How can you give them the benefit of the doubt, when their efforts to screw us out of a few wipes is so very obvious. For example; I have noticed that they actually do make each sheet a little bit shorter so that they wont have to actually give you more PAPER per roll than they say they are giving you. They also make each sheet a few mils thinner in order to prevent us from actually getting more toilet paper, so you might ask; Wouldn’t that make the full roll diameter look smaller than it should? It surely would, so how do they get around this problem? That’s simple. They just make the center core that much bigger in diameter so that the consumer won’t notice. Then you might ask: Wouldn’t that add to the cost of making the core? The answer is yes, so in order to compensate for this, they just make the core just the same amount of paper shorter and nobody will ever notice. Wait a minute: since they are making the core a little bit smaller, why not cut each sheet to exactly the same length as the core, and that way they can screw us out of even more usable product. This is business! This is the American way! Always screw the guy that doesn’t have too much, the guy that works hard for the buck and is looking for a way to stretch the buck as far as it will go. Let’s face it guys, this is a lost cause. The ones with the big bucks have all of the power. We are at their mercy. To them, all that we are good for is to make them even more wealthy. To them, we are not much better than what the toilet paper was intended to wipe up. Well, I’m sick of it all. I say; give us longer sheets, wider sheets, more sheets, smaller and wider cores and reduce the prices on top of it all. Only then will I have something nice to say about all of this. Maybe the toilet paper Czar will make it all better.
Before you read this, be sure that you have read my PAPER TOWELS blog, because everything in it also applies to toilet paper and vise versa. Only toilet paper has a few more snags to top it all off: The kicker here is that the folks who make the (so called) bargain priced toilet paper think that they have figured out a way to make the consumer think that he is getting a great buy in purchasing the multiple roll economy pack. The package must be deceptive in that it MUST appear that the consumer is getting more bang for his buck, without ever realizing that he is not. You see, they think that we are too stupid to ever catch on to their dirty little schemes of deception. They know that they must display (on the package) just how many sheets you are getting per roll, so that a shopper can compare packages of different brands to see which package offers the best deal. They really don’t want to deceive you by lying about the number of sheets you will get per roll (as if the consumer is really going to unroll a roll and count each and every individual sheet to find out). I don’t really know if they are lying or not because I have never actually counted the sheets on a roll but I can’t help wondering if this count includes the several useless sheets that are stuck together at the beginning of each roll and those which are stuck to the cardboard core at the center. They may be lying about the sheet count, I’m not really sure because I doubt that anyone ever really counted every sheet on a roll but they probably are. How can you give them the benefit of the doubt, when their efforts to screw us out of a few wipes is so very obvious. For example; I have noticed that they actually do make each sheet a little bit shorter so that they wont have to actually give you more PAPER per roll than they say they are giving you. They also make each sheet a few mils thinner in order to prevent us from actually getting more toilet paper, so you might ask; Wouldn’t that make the full roll diameter look smaller than it should? It surely would, so how do they get around this problem? That’s simple. They just make the center core that much bigger in diameter so that the consumer won’t notice. Then you might ask: Wouldn’t that add to the cost of making the core? The answer is yes, so in order to compensate for this, they just make the core just the same amount of paper shorter and nobody will ever notice. Wait a minute: since they are making the core a little bit smaller, why not cut each sheet to exactly the same length as the core, and that way they can screw us out of even more usable product. This is business! This is the American way! Always screw the guy that doesn’t have too much, the guy that works hard for the buck and is looking for a way to stretch the buck as far as it will go. Let’s face it guys, this is a lost cause. The ones with the big bucks have all of the power. We are at their mercy. To them, all that we are good for is to make them even more wealthy. To them, we are not much better than what the toilet paper was intended to wipe up. Well, I’m sick of it all. I say; give us longer sheets, wider sheets, more sheets, smaller and wider cores and reduce the prices on top of it all. Only then will I have something nice to say about all of this. Maybe the toilet paper Czar will make it all better.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Why is it that whenever I open up a roll of paper towels the first few layers of paper are glued together so damn tight that I have to rip away a good portion of this expensive product in order to find the leading edge? When I do find it, I place the damn roll onto the holder and begin to reel off enough paper to satisfy my needs, only to find that there is a fold in the paper and now, all of a sudden the roll is turning the wrong way. So now I have to remove the roll from the holder and reverse it so that it will pay off in proper direction. Then throughout the entire life of the newly applied roll, I begin to attempt tearing off the sheets on the perforated lines separating each sheet, only to find that the towels do not tear on the lines at all. Sometimes they tear diagonally across the sheet. Sometimes they tear on the line and then veer off onto the next sheet, screwing up several sheets all in one attempt. Other times they tear up the sheet vertically for several sheets before I am finally able to rip them off. Why in hell, do they perforate these things if you can’t rip them off on the lines anyway. The great finish to this little story is when there is a spill emergency and I give a tug on the roll in order to remove several sheets to fulfill the need, only to have the entire roll go reeling off onto the floor, allowing me enough product to clean up the mess with the whole damn roll of towels going into the garbage bin. I ask you; Is this the natural consequence of using paper towels or is this a conspiracy to get you to buy even more of these dreadful concoctions? I guess it must be me because I keep on buying the damn things anyway.
Why is it that whenever I open up a roll of paper towels the first few layers of paper are glued together so damn tight that I have to rip away a good portion of this expensive product in order to find the leading edge? When I do find it, I place the damn roll onto the holder and begin to reel off enough paper to satisfy my needs, only to find that there is a fold in the paper and now, all of a sudden the roll is turning the wrong way. So now I have to remove the roll from the holder and reverse it so that it will pay off in proper direction. Then throughout the entire life of the newly applied roll, I begin to attempt tearing off the sheets on the perforated lines separating each sheet, only to find that the towels do not tear on the lines at all. Sometimes they tear diagonally across the sheet. Sometimes they tear on the line and then veer off onto the next sheet, screwing up several sheets all in one attempt. Other times they tear up the sheet vertically for several sheets before I am finally able to rip them off. Why in hell, do they perforate these things if you can’t rip them off on the lines anyway. The great finish to this little story is when there is a spill emergency and I give a tug on the roll in order to remove several sheets to fulfill the need, only to have the entire roll go reeling off onto the floor, allowing me enough product to clean up the mess with the whole damn roll of towels going into the garbage bin. I ask you; Is this the natural consequence of using paper towels or is this a conspiracy to get you to buy even more of these dreadful concoctions? I guess it must be me because I keep on buying the damn things anyway.
Drug Blisterpak Packaging:
I don't know about you but I have had about enough of those silly blister packs that those "over the counter" medications come packaged in. I think that this is nothing but consumer harrassment. People buy these medications because they feel just plain lousy and they need some relief from the symptoms. They may have a cold, flu, or whatever and are reaching for a good product to give them some help. Most of these products are effective and work considerably well for over the counter stuff. The only trouble is getting them out of the damn package. Not all, but too many of these packages are just plain rediculous. They are nearly impossible to open and often prove that they are really not worth the bother when you consider the torture that you must go through in order to open them. Like the ones that are sealed with foil and then they glue a heavy paper to the foil, making it almost impossible to get the damn pill out. Some have a tiny slit so that you can tear it open from there but if you have Arthritis, forget it, you will need some kind of opener like scissors or a knife or a corkscrew, hammer, chisel or dynamite (I think you know what I'm driving at). Some of them have a tiny little corner (that you could hardly see) where the foil separates from it's attached paper. You must then fold the little corner over so that the layers of backing will separate from one another. If you try really hard, you may just begin to slip a finger nail in between the layers and separate them, but NO SUCH LUCK. The paper backing is stuck so fast that it tends not to separate from the foil but to rip itself apart leaving still way to much paper backing to push the pill through easily. These things are supposed to be "tamper detectable" so that if you can see that the foil is broken, the product may be tampered with. It would then be foolish to use it. Why don't all the manufacturers make the blister packs with foil only backing so that the pill can easily be pushed through. I would think that the object of doing this kind of packaging would be to give the consumer an indication that the product may have been tampered with, not to make the consumer's life more miserable than it is already. I believe in safety but this is really overreaction. They simply need to use a slightly heavier foil WITHOUT the paper attached and all manufacturers should make this a standard practice so that the consumer wouldn't need to play guessing games every time they attempt to open another new package. Manufacturers should have mercy on the ill and not harrass them. Will it take government intervention? Everybody seems to object when the government intervenes and forces everyone to comply to a standard of some sort. If they don't like government intervention then why don't they act out on their own to improve things for everyone. Will it take government intervention to solve this problem? Maybe we are ready for a "BLISTER PACK CZAR".
I don't know about you but I have had about enough of those silly blister packs that those "over the counter" medications come packaged in. I think that this is nothing but consumer harrassment. People buy these medications because they feel just plain lousy and they need some relief from the symptoms. They may have a cold, flu, or whatever and are reaching for a good product to give them some help. Most of these products are effective and work considerably well for over the counter stuff. The only trouble is getting them out of the damn package. Not all, but too many of these packages are just plain rediculous. They are nearly impossible to open and often prove that they are really not worth the bother when you consider the torture that you must go through in order to open them. Like the ones that are sealed with foil and then they glue a heavy paper to the foil, making it almost impossible to get the damn pill out. Some have a tiny slit so that you can tear it open from there but if you have Arthritis, forget it, you will need some kind of opener like scissors or a knife or a corkscrew, hammer, chisel or dynamite (I think you know what I'm driving at). Some of them have a tiny little corner (that you could hardly see) where the foil separates from it's attached paper. You must then fold the little corner over so that the layers of backing will separate from one another. If you try really hard, you may just begin to slip a finger nail in between the layers and separate them, but NO SUCH LUCK. The paper backing is stuck so fast that it tends not to separate from the foil but to rip itself apart leaving still way to much paper backing to push the pill through easily. These things are supposed to be "tamper detectable" so that if you can see that the foil is broken, the product may be tampered with. It would then be foolish to use it. Why don't all the manufacturers make the blister packs with foil only backing so that the pill can easily be pushed through. I would think that the object of doing this kind of packaging would be to give the consumer an indication that the product may have been tampered with, not to make the consumer's life more miserable than it is already. I believe in safety but this is really overreaction. They simply need to use a slightly heavier foil WITHOUT the paper attached and all manufacturers should make this a standard practice so that the consumer wouldn't need to play guessing games every time they attempt to open another new package. Manufacturers should have mercy on the ill and not harrass them. Will it take government intervention? Everybody seems to object when the government intervenes and forces everyone to comply to a standard of some sort. If they don't like government intervention then why don't they act out on their own to improve things for everyone. Will it take government intervention to solve this problem? Maybe we are ready for a "BLISTER PACK CZAR".
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