The question of UFOs is not a difficult one to answer. If we take into consideration the awesome intellectual advancements of the technologies we have gained during the last two decades, we must ask ourselves the question of the future. Where will it all end? Or even better: When will it all end? Or we may ask: Will it all end? It is a common perception that eventually mankind will perish and cease to exist. To me, this means that we are expecting mankind to fail and fall from existence at some point in time. One thing that I know is that anything material is prone to loss. Mankind is of the Earth and the Earth is the material of the cosmos, therefore mankind is also of material and prone to loss. Maybe that’s why we seem to be expecting it. Let’s give a little credit to intelligence.
Intelligence is the divine characteristic of the brain. It is a recognition of facts and figures (data) which the brain converts to many processes of thought. These processes lead us to creation. It leads us to many combinations of thoughts about the various types of information acquired, allowing us to build the most incredible things within our minds without requiring anything that is material. There is virtually no end to the things we can create within our minds without the use of any material. Things which we know and understand as possible and practical, even without the need to physically create anything. All of the wonderful material things that we enjoy, know and understand have all begun with thought. Either through the thoughts of one beautiful mind or combinations of a few to very many. Living in a material world, we must create and materialize from matter all of the things necessary to bring our thoughts to life. I am amazed at mankind’s ability to accomplish this. We have done so very many great things with materials (as well as a few horrible things which we will discount at this time). As I have mentioned before however, Anything material is subject to loss, therefore all of mankind’s creations are also subject to loss. We have to bear in mind that any information which we can possibly absorb and process within our minds in order to create a concept or method for creating something, comes from the cosmos. All of the building blocks of facts, data and thoughts which we have absorbed or ever will absorb, have always been here for us. All that we needed to do was to discover it, process it and decipher it in the proper manner. All of the data for man’s accomplishments has always been there for him, he only needed to discover it and process it. Through the miracle of thought, all things can be made possible. We must understand however, that thought is not a material entity. It is pure energy. Since energy can never be destroyed but only converted, the properties of thought therefore, are not subject to loss. Hence, is the progression of the advancement of humanity. We are capable of so very many wonderful advancements, given all of the time that is required to continue to process the existing information.
O.K. back to UFOs. If there were no reports of UFOs and no phenomena which we find unexplainable at this time, I would be very worried about the future of humanity. I do not want to know the answers to these things as some things are not equitable for us to know at this point in time. I do possess within my heart and my mind, a great confidence in humanity’s abilities to accomplish. I know that when mankind accomplishes the know-how to improve his existence in the future by altering and changing certain key events in the past, we will then understand the unexplained. How can I be so sure that this is actually happening? I know because all of the signs are all around us right now. I have seen a UFO or two during the course of my lifetime. I believe most of the reports from the many, very credible individuals who have reported them. I’m not certain if that at this point in time, anybody in the world knows the answer to, or the explanation of these events but if they did, they would have very good reason not to make this knowledge known. I believe that we are now undergoing “FUTURE ENGINEERING” from the future and for the future. It is imperative that this process must not be interfered with. Once we could know for certain, that we are being engineered for and from the future, other forces then would come into play to oppose it. We would be derailing the future of mankind if we knew the answer as fact. These visions are not extra-terrestrial, they are us, but this cannot be proven nor should it be. It’s just another case for faith. I have faith in humanity. I know that the beautiful side of mankind’s personality will always prevail and I am equally confident in the great faith which brings this belief to me. We should not ask to know the facts of this knowledge for today, We should choose to save them for the benefit of our future.
Good luck Children!